Root level solutions start with the mitochondria

Regardless of what symptoms or issues you may be experiencing, mitochondrial dysfunction is always at the root of why the body isn’t 100% well.

The mitochondria are the body’s power supply

Mitochondria “turn on” and signal for every organ to work and function. They play a massive role not just in your energy levels, but your ability to detoxify, digest food, eliminate, fight illness and pathogens, heal and repair, remember information, etc. If the mitochondria are damaged, your entire body is impacted.

This is why our approach at CellCore Biosciences is built on this premise: First support the mitochondria, then promote the body’s natural detoxification processes and the removal of stressors.

Making a splash in supplementation

The products in each stage of our customized protocols provide charged particles to support mitochondrial function and promote cellular repair, while simultaneously supporting the body’s natural ability to detox.*

Charged particles, including electrons, hydrogen ions (protons), and oxygen, are the underlying drivers of all cellular and system processes. While co-factors from foods (such as vitamins) support mitochondrial function, charged particles are the true backbone of the mitochondria. They carry the electric charges that create reactions for mitochondria to “turn on” and function, which is the basis of life.

Get started with CellCore products


The CellCore Biosciences Lab

All of our supplements are formulated and produced by our team of scientists at the CellCore Biosciences lab. Each product is created with a special focus on the mitochondria and supporting the body’s processes as they follow the Roadmap to Health.

Having our own lab and in-house scientists allow us to:

  • Be more innovative with the solutions we provide to you
  • Commit to quality
  • Conduct our own testing
  • Create proprietary blends, like Carbon Technology
  • Do our own QA control
  • Produce the highest quality supplements

Carbon Technology: The advanced science behind CellCore supplements

An effective binder is the missing link in any detoxification protocol. But not all binders can do this important job efficiently.

You may be familiar with common binders, such as activated charcoal, bentonite clay, and diatomaceous earth. These binders contain what are called long-chain “spent” carbons.

This means they have limited binding abilities. Due to their structure, they can only travel as far as the gut. These binders must be taken at a certain time, which means they’re not an effective, everyday solution.

This is why we’ve created Carbon Technology: a new category formulated with unspent, specific carbon-based molecules. An unspent carbon means it has maximum energy and, therefore, maximum binding potential. Additionally, Carbon Technology is composed of long-, medium-, and short-chain carbons, which can work in different areas of the body, not just the gut.

For this reason, all CellCore supplements (with the exception of Para 1, Para 3, and the IS-products) contain Carbon Technology.

Promotes systemic binding*

Carbon Technology contains proprietary blends of soil-derived nutrients: fulvic acids, humic acids, and polysaccharides. In addition to being comprised of short-, medium-, and long-chain carbons, their chemical structures are also amphiphilic. This means they are both water and fat soluble, which gives them the ability to travel and be absorbed across different parts of your system.

Helps drive and protect supplement ingredients

The molecules in Carbon Technology also act as a delivery system for “protecting” and “directing” the herbs and nutrients in supplements.

The low pH of Carbon Technology prevents the nutrients from interacting with and being destroyed by stomach acid, which helps drive them to where they need to go in the body. As a result, you will absorb more and waste less.

Supports cell nourishment and repair*

The fulvic acids, humic acids, and polysaccharides in Carbon Technology supply the constituent elements required to build and repair cells, which also supports energy production.*

The ability to promote life and nourish the body sets Carbon Technology apart, in addition to its binding capabilities.*

Smart and selective in what it binds to

Carbon Technology won’t bind to the nutrients your body actually needs. If it comes in contact with a mineral or a beneficial form of a certain nutrient, such as copper or zinc, it sees it as an “equal” and leaves it untouched.

Supports the body’s natural detoxification processes*

Once byproducts, compounds, and elements are bound to the nutrients in Carbon Technology, they’re “stuck.”

This means they will not detach from the carbon and relocate somewhere else in your body. The carbon molecules hold on like a super strong magnet until these elements can exit the body via the stool.*

Offers higher binding potential and reactivity

When a substance has a low pH, it means it has higher potential energy and reactivity — which are the exact properties you want in a binder. This increases its binding and detoxing capabilities.*

Carbon Technology has a low pH, while traditional binders tend to have higher pHs and are less reactive. Higher pH in binders can lower effectiveness in a protocol and increase the amount of time it takes to see positive results.